It is said that all is fair in war and love - and it is also said that love is blind. we all have our own reasons to fall in love, and though I love all the bikes, Royal Enfield bullet have a special place in my heart.
If you look form a logical point of view, Bullet is not the most advanced bike you can get your hands on - well, the bike is anything but modern. The bike is heavy, leaks oil (well, most of the time), slow, drinks petrol like she have a drinking problem, and have a thousand and one other issues - but the bike still have a huge fan following, and for many, is not a bike, but a religion. Why? Well, it is very hard to explain the answer, but 'charm' is a word often associated with the answer.
No - this post is not an analysis about why Bullet still commands the heart of many of us - but just a testimony to the old world charm that the bullet is. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce 'Neela', my new 1970 model std 350.
I returned RedEye to her home after more than one month of use, and i have to say that she got me impressed - big time. I took Jeevs out for a spin this Saturday and what is a better way to end his hibernation than some good old mud banging. there is this huge landfill, and we had some nice time, going up and down kicking the dust, doing some torque steer, basic jumps and all that - man, it was serious fun, and by the end of it, we looked like some one showered us with a ton of fine dust. But I tell you again - it was FUN :-D
My favorite movie series - Fast and Furious, is returning to theaters this weekend - the latest addition - Fast and Furious 4 will hit cinemas on 3rd, and I am waiting to catch the action.
Vin disel, Paul walker, Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster - they are re teaming, and I am sure the movie will not disappoint me.
I found this video while I was browsing, and man, the song and the video is awesome.